Major transit projects can sometimes spend years in the planning stages, before funding is set and construction begins. This section will help you keep up-to-date, as project ideas are conceived, planned, funded and built. Completed 25Connects Airport Tunnel Blue Line Corridor Extension Study Brookpark Rapid Station Cedar - University Rapid Station Clifton Boulevard Transportation Enhancement Project E 34th St. Campus / E. 79th Stations Transit Services Alternatives Analysis E. 79th St. Red Line East 116th-St. Luke's light-rail station Farnsleigh Rapid Station Hydrogen fuel cell bus Lee - Van Aken Rapid Station Little Italy - University Circle Rapid Station Public Square re-design Red Line S-curve Red Line/HealthLine Extension Study Shaker-Lee Station, on the Green Line Tri-C-Campus District Station on the Red, Blue and Green lines Warrensville-Shaker Station, Green Line Major Projects E. 79th Street Light Rail Station Light Rail Track Replacement MetroHealth Line Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Railcar Replacement Warrensville Van Aken Station Reconstruction Waterfront Line Bridge